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Share Information


As of December 31, 2024, the Bank has 65,084 shareholders

The Bank's authorized capital stands at COP $645.000.000.000, divided into 103.365.384.615 shares. Non-subscribed shares (in reserve) amount to 85,576,658,507 .

The share capital is divided into 17,788,726,108 shares, of which 17,308,966,108  are ordinary and 479.760.000 are shares with minimum preferred dividend and non-voting rights. 

The BBVA Colombia's share is traded on the Colombian Stock Exchange. For information regarding the share price please access the following websites: or




Dividend Payment

The Shareholders' Meeting of BBVA Colombia held on  March 22, 2024 approved the distribution of profits corresponding to fiscal year 2023 and the payment of dividends in the amount of $7.50 per share, applicable only for preferred shares, which will be paid in cash in a single installment payable on June 12, 2024. Depending on the payment date, the ex-dividend period will take place between June 5 to June 11, 2024.


It must be presented:

  • Original (s) of the title (s) corresponding to the shares.
  • ID document: ID for natural persons and Copy of the first certified page of the RUT (Single Tax Registry) for legal persons.
  • Certificate from Cámara de Comercio (Legal Entities) whose issuance date does not exceed 30 calendar days.
  • Letter of authorization and photocopy of the authenticated citizenship card (For payments to third parties).
  • Letter of authorization from the shareholder to credit the account.




What is a Share?

 It's a variable-yield security that provides a fraction by which any person (individual or legal entity) participates in the share capital of the issuing company, converting it into a Shareholder and giving it a share in the company's profits. Moreover, shareholders get benefits for the valuation of the stock price in the Stock Exchange. It is called variable income because its profitability depends on the performance of the company and its profits generated, and variations in the price of the property on the stock market.

What is a preferred share?

It gives its holder a priority in payment of dividends and/or in case of liquidation of the company, the capital repayment. Preferred shares have economic prerogatives that may be cumulative, according to the statutes. However, preferred shares do not have voting rights, with some exceptions.

What is an common share?

Common shares receive the economic benefits of the company and have voting rights in the general shareholders’ meeting.

What are dividends?

It's the part of net profit that is paid periodically on each share at the end of a given fiscal year, which final assessment has been entrusted by law to the general shareholders' meeting.

What is the ex-dividend period?

According to the definition established by the Bolsa de Valores de Colombia, is the time between the date of dividend payment and the 4 trading days immediately preceding the date of the dividend payment. In that period, who buys shares has not right to receive dividends.

In Colombia, trading non-working days are holidays only.

What is a convey?

It is a transaction by which a natural or legal person transfers the ownership of their share certificates to another. It can be direct or indirect.

How do I sell my shares of BBVA COLOMBIA?

Regarding the sale of shares, it's worth mentioned that there are two ways for doing it:   

1. Through colombian stockbroker societies.

2. Through direct sale to a person or legal entity outside the securities exchange, given that the value of the transaction does not exceed 66.000 UVR's*. 

To execute the transaction some documents are required by BBVA's shareholder's office:

What is the market value?

It's the value per share determined by the Bolsa de Valores de Colombia based on supply and demand of the shares.